Monday, July 18, 2011

Will the summer heal this year's drama in highschool?

im a sophmore i highschool... next year junior. ive been through soo much drama and so much backstabbing and fights with girls and boy... and ive been through such a mess this year... and ive never been this way.. always the quite normal chill girl who did their own thing but i guess i craved attention this year and reacted to stupid stuff and created nonsense.... summer just started and we have 2 and a half months of summer break.. when i come back for junior year will ppl forget it and if i start acting chill and normal and forgive the backstabbers... will everything be cool? will summer cure the crap?

Do you think the new tv programs are a bad influence on kids?

Children and teens these days are much more disrespectful than in my big brother's generation and I'm getting the notion that it's the tv programs. Those stories have a heck of a lot of backstabbing and lying, and kids laugh at it. In my brother's days there was superheroes which teach kids to help others. I feel strongly about this and it seems the programs get worse every year.

Pure coconut oil for tanning?

I have straight out coconut oil and have heard it naturally has some spf. Would it be good as a tanning oil? As it wouldn't have all the added nasties the stores "tanning coconut oils" would. Also how long should I tan for, I'm not looking to get skin cancer in the future? Thanks.

Do you feel very Cancery at the moment? Do you have cancer rising or a planet?

I know what you mean i'm a Cancer and i have been thinking a lot about my past, friends, family, and good memories i kind of hate it because sometimes its just better to move on and let the past behind because at the end of the day we just can't make a time machine and fix everything. Anyway yeah i have been extremely nostalgic and melancholic (typical Cancer).

Do I have oral cancer??? please help i'm so scared?

i have these two weird bump things on both sides of my cheek inside my mouth. the thing is...their near the top of my teeth so there is no way i could have bitten my cheek up there. i can kinda pull them and idk it's really weird but i'm so scared. does this sound like oral cancer? im 16 and have smoked for a year every day

What should I do in this situation with my employer?

Welcome to the world of retail sales. You have two options. One take all the crap that they give you and thank them for it until you have put in enough years(decades) to be in a more than min wage position. Or go to school get an education and get a real job where you will still have to put up with years and years of management abuse but you at least will be making slightly more than min wage (you will also have huge amounts of student loan debts though) Sorry life sucks, there are no easy answers, nice guys finish last, etc.

Any Brilliant Australian Horrors To Watch?

well i've got to say a huge thank you to the aussie's for making such brilliant horror movies over the years taking a break from some of the same films being repeated over and over in america as anyone got any ideas for good australian horror films thanks

Did i backstab my friend. will there be any serious consequences?

tit for tat. U also ignore her when u guys meet alone. N when everyone is around act like u care even if u dont.

Puppy keeps throwing up?

Ok, I have a 3 1/2 month old Australian shepherd puppy that my older brother adopted for me from his friend who breed her female aussie and gave the only male in the litter to me. When we received him he had no shots period. 2 weeks later we took him to pet-smart to get his shots and we were told to bring him back in three weeks, and to not let him play in the grass because of something in the grass that is bad. The first 2 weeks were fine then he started throwing up, its light brown watery vomit. I have to admit during the three weeks we did let him sometimes in the grass. I think that's why he is vomiting so much, but I'm not sure. I KNOW FOR A FACT ITS NOT PARVO, he eats 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night of pedigree adult complete (my brothers friends told him to feed him adult complete dog food,plus he never vomited eating it so it not the adult food) and drinks his water regularly, and he is NEVER ill looking or laying down and not moving, he wags his little tail a lot, always happy,playful,and he looks really healthy, it's just he is always vomiting. I don't know what to do...please help :(

Good Backstabbing Quote?

I want to know some backstabbing quotes, i don't want advice about a backstabber, i just want a quote :)

Does chemically straightening your hair cause cancer and or brain tumors?

I'm not talking about the Brazilian blowout. Is chemically straightening hair the Keratin treatment?

Why don't I ever see people giving their Australian Shepherds love?

Not that I've seen abuse or anything, I just haven't seen any other fellow Aussie owners show love towards their dogs. Maybe a pat or something after they put them in agility courses, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one (of the people I know) who truly cuddles and lets my Aussie sleep on me while watching TV. He's hyper too but very lovable and will relax. If anyone else does this with Aussies please let me know. It'll be reassuring. I don't ever see pictures or videos of owners showing love towards this breed, either.

Are there any health risks associated with solar panels?

Hi, I've recently bought a solar charger for my iPod. Are there any risks such as radiation, skin cancer etc. associated with it?

What am I supposed to do now?

I have a sort of 'friend' that is close with a boy I like. When she found out I liked him, and realized he felt the same way, she told him I'm a backstabbing sIut who only used my friend to get to him.. And that I'm a b*tch, ignorant and a ton of other things. I'm so mad at her. What do I do?

What should I do? (long story)?

You know what? People do things like that. But don't avoid it! If you probably wont se him again, it wont hurt to try, right? Tell him what really happened two years back! Show that backstabber that your through with the games. Be the bigger person! Be confident and don't let anything stand in your way.

How to feel happy when she just ruins my happiness?

Are you serious? Your so called friends are intimidates by the girl, they see her pick on you and don't want to be picked on so they try to stay on her good side. You sound very young, so either talk to your friends about how crazy this girl is, how much it hurts you and if they don't care, slowly stop being friends with them. I wish you the beat sweetheart take Care

What would be a nice memorial tattoo?

my cousin passed away a few months ago due to brain cancer. my mom said i could get a smallish tattoo for my 16th birthday, which is coming up, and i want one to symbolize him. his name was Riley, his favorite color was green, and he loved frogs. can anyone help me come up with an idea that would be a nice commemoration for him?

Should I get another dog ?

Well my dog just passed away on june 29 at 2:32 am and I would like to know should I get another one for her sister to play with and would she be happy and how long will it take her to get back to normal ? The one who just passed away of cancer was 12 years old and her sister who is a lab is around 9 or 10 years old and is over weight , yes i exercise her but would it help her lose some Weight with another dog ?

Are there any health risks associated with solar panels?

Hi, I've recently bought a solar charger for my iPod touch. Are there any health risks such a's skin cancer or radiation associated with it? If so, do I have to handle it with care? ie wearing gloves or something

Hi its a health (uterus) related question?

Hi My mum is 48yrs and recently she's had her periods which were quite heavy.When she went to the doctors,she was told she would have o get some tests done immediately.She had an ultrasound done today and also a pap test for which the results are not yet out.In the ultrasound test her uterus seems to be enlarged and the right ovary as well.she has a lot of pain in her abdominal region.I'm sorry i'm not being very clear she is in india and i'm in the uk,and very worried and cant understand most of the medical terms so have had to look up on google for everything.They did mention something about cyst and also bulky uterus and suggested her to under go an operation and rest for 3months after that.Pls can anyone tell me whats actually going on and also is it to do with some form of cancer? or is it something most women undergo during premenopause?Thanks for all your help.

Which Japanese Princess died within the last five years?

I'm trying to find out about the Japanese Princess that died within the last five years. I believe that she ultimately died of cancer, but I also believe that she was very poorly during her whole life, and possibly spent the last few years of her life in a wheelchair.

Why does outback grill shrimp on the barbie?

I mean, Is it really effective to grill shrimp on a small plastic doll? Is it some Aussie tradition? Someone plz answer

How do i make my boyfriend feel bad?

Break up with him. It kind of sounds like he's already broken up with you if he's ignoring you. You can't make him care. You already got rid of three backstabbing friends, getting rid of your unsupportive boyfriend will ultimately make you feel a lot better about yourself. Dump the dead weight and move on.

I won't gossip and talk smack at work. Is that why my coworkers aren't nice to me?

I've worked there for 4 months and really don't want any part of the gossip and backstabbing. I'm a 28 year old woman who works with a bunch of bitter old ladies who constantly talk smack. I refuse to participate and try to keep to myself. Well now these ladies are seeming to turn on me and be rude. I'm sorry but I refuse to stoop to their level just to be accepted. I'm respectful and professional to everyone and don't see the purpose of gossip. Am I in the wrong for not going along with it just to be liked?

Question about a bible verse?

Anyone who wants to be saved must die to themselves (self) and live only in Christ's ways. This has nothing to do with getting help for fighting a disease.

My galah wont stop biting and it hurts?

I had a bird that did the same thing, I put a little hot sauce on my finger nails, not scalding hot, but a discomfort. he bit once, froze for a second, didnt bite again. See if that works.

I have a backstabbing friend?

I have a 'friend' who I desperately want to free myself from, or let her know how pissed I am at her, but there's a bit of a problem. I can't just start talking less and less to her. We have EVERY friend in common, against my wishes. Every time I make a friend, she needs to know them too, and become closer to them than I am. And also, back in 8th grade, I invited a few friends over, but not her, and she noticed since she lives right across the street from me. Her mom called to get her invited too, by implying, but my mom was so amazed and insulted she played innocent and wouldn't let her over. After that, she sent a rumor around to all my friends saying I couldn't be trusted. She convinced all of my closest friends. All of her 'attacks' come after she learns im doing something with other friends, and she purposely picks up her phone when im over when one of her friends call and she makes plans with them right in front of me. Maybe im alone in this, but i think thats insanely rude. So, basically, if I lose her, I'll lose just about all of my friends since she'll start another rumor, I'm sure. And then she lives next to me. Please, what should I do??? I've been trying to deal with this for YEARS!

Indian,pakastani,bangladeshi,s… women over18 an single?

Hey,im a 25 yr old aussie guy,im single,looking for long-term relationship with someone in sydney ,im very caring,sensitive,respectful,if you want a relatiönship call me on my mobile 0401602417 or email me i'l treat you very well

This is a work related question...Whats your opinion?

Here's the situation, I'm a custodian at a high school and I've have been at my job 6 years now. I'm in my 30's and I'm the youngest of our current custodial staff. Most of my coworkers are pushing retirement age (it seems like my boss only hires people in their 50's or 60's) therefore in my 6 years of employment quite a few have come and gone so I'm pretty high on the seniority ladder now. I'm not a supervisor so even tho I've been there plenty longer than several of the other guys and know a lot more about the job than they do, I treat them with respect and and don't boss them around. Nobody likes those bossy people in the workplace who aren't any sort of supervisor. That being said, we just had the great fortune to finally get rid of one of our coworkers who was the very epitome of most everything I hate and can't stand in the workplace. She was a know it all, *** kisser, bossy... The list goes on and on of the things I couldn't stand from this woman and I'm not the only one who couldn't stand her. All of my fellow coworkers agree that we're glad she's gone. Of course my boss seemed to be the only one that liked her considering they called, texted and Facebooked each other all the time. If you can imagine, this resulted in plenty of showing favoritism, backstabbing and all that fun bull crap that goes on in the workplace. Now I'm not sure if they actually had feelings for each other or if she was just keeping him informed of every little thing the rest of us were doing, but I don't care. I'm just glad she's gone. So keeping all this in mind, my boss is currently in the process of hiring someone to replace her. Unfortunately I have a strong suspicion that its another woman but this time I believe its someone he likes and may possibly be dating already. Because several moths ago when I went to a nearby convenience store while I was there my boss came in (this was on our day off) and it seemed like he went there for the sole purpose of flirting with the young woman that worked there. Ever since then when she realized that he was my boss now she talks to me whenever I go in there as if she thinks there's some sort of comradely between us... Now last week he was doing interviews for the position and she was among them. Its more than a coincidence. He obviously told her about the opening and he has the authority to hire whomever he wants to. I have a bad feeling that if he hires her the nightmare will start all over again with the favoritism and all that bull. I wont like the situation but I need my job so quitting isn't an option. I'll have to find a way to cope with it. If you had a similar situation, what did you do or what would you do?

I would like to get a t shirt signed for charity?

hi i wanna get a teenage cancer trust tshirt signed for charity to auction on ebay, i know there were some sonisphere secret sessions in aid of it but does anyone know where i could get it signed soon and by someone reasonably big, eg. bfmv or biffy clyro . would u reccomned just asking them if i can post it to them by email or attend a signing...

Pleasee i need help its urgent!!?? im gonna be in so much trouble?

hello well my story is kind of long but i would really appreciate it if you could read it... then moving on.. i have a german exchange student we are both 16 and shes a girl and im a guy so shes been here over 3 months already and theres only 2 left before she goes back to germany.. so ppl have been talking so much **** about her in school.. calling her ugly and like idk how many insults... and then last night she asked me to tell her what people said! and i said no but she kept on swearing she wouldnt tell anyone and i told her everything with the names of the ppl who did it so now she keeps telling ppl and its getting me in trouble and the worse part is my brother hates her and talked so much sht and for something i cant explain i told her ( i know im an idiot) and now she says she will say if she has 2 but my brother will kill me if he finds out i told her!! im gonna get in so much trouble, i just had an argument with her a big fight and idk what to do! im lost she had sworn she wouldnt do anything to affect me and shes backstabbing me! please what can i do???? im desperate hereee

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Aquarius girlfriend is a robot. I need her to tell me she loves me.?

i'm an aquarius too.but honestly..are you a baby for her to taker care of you and give you affection?there's no need for her to tell you that she love you.If she's in a relationship with then you should trust her..why would she waste her time with you if she didnt care about you?if you feel that she loves u then she does..don't wait for her to tell'll wait for a long long time :P

I have an aussie mix he is 6months old ,I need some good training tips and some good games to play with him?

He will be 7 months7/14/2011. He can not come when he is outside . He can sit inside but not always outside. He can not heal or stay. Thanks in Advance this means alot.

What is your first opinion on this mother and son photograph?

Yeah. Well, my mom has Multiple Sclerosis and can't work a lot because of it. We still live in the huge house my parents bought before I was born when they were very well off and together... Once they separated things changed and my mom could technically go on food stamps according to just her income. But with my child support and her alimony we have an okay life and it doesn't look like we struggle on the outside. But we do! :P

Is this backstabbing?

Jessie sounds like a trouble maker. People like her that try to cause problems are usually insecure. They figure if they tell one friend something bad that another friend said about them, then that friend will be so grateful to her. It's kinda like diverting the attention away from her. I hate people like that. It's just shady how she ran and told her stuff that wasn't true, and then asked her not to tell you she told her. Childish I say.

Just come over our Aussie News tonite?

Is it true that the new appointed leader of Al Qaeda,will be hunted down and killed, like bin laden by the americans. Who would want to be in his position, right now, with a bounty on his head.

Where should i cut my hair to,to donate?

cut it to your shoulders and donate it to locks of love (they make wigs out of the hair for children with cancer) i donated my hair there.

Should i continue this Friendship?

So a few months back this guy told my friend he liked her. I was there in the car when he called her. They never pursued to dating, because she got kind of manipulative, meaning she wanted to control the people he was talking to. So one day, he told me he liked me,(I am engage and he is aware of this) He said i was very pretty and that he would pursuit dating me if i wasn't engaged. He stated he was scared off by my friend and would never date her. But what is bothering me is, he has told me that she is an easy girl and if he wanted he would have slept with her. He has shown me the messages she has sent him, and it does sound creepy. I had to confront her because she sent me an "accidental" message saying "I cant stand how she looks at him". She said she thought i liked him, I was very upset because i am in love with my fiance and about to get married in four months. I explained all of this, and she did apologize. Now four weeks later she said the same thing. I got so upset i came clean and told her he was the one telling me things about her and how he didn't want anything with her, and that he liked me. I was trying to look out for her but i was so upset i blurted everything out. I guess she is really into him , she told him everything i said to him, so he showed me again another message from her saying "ooh i bet if i was as pretty as her you wouldn't hesitate dating me". Again i was upset. Ugh now i don't know if i should continue my friendship with her because we have talked so many times about this subject, that is getting in the way of my job. Because i work with both of them. I can not stand looking at him, i feel hatred towards him, for the way he has expressed about her. So should i continue being her friend. Even though it aggravates me seeing her get hurt from someone who wants nothing with her?? and do you think shes jealous or backstabbing me acting that way?

Just want to see if anyone agrees with this?

wouldnt you like everyone to live a life with no cheating backstabbing and partners that are married with true love that last forever.People not being selfish

I need a cute beauty guru name! please help urgent! !! :)?

i need a new channel on youtube for a beauty channel. i want a good cute catchy name i like belle so i was thinking Belle Azure05 after macs collection in 2005 but i don't know. i want a cool name like macbarbie07 allthatglitters21 or juicystar07 one that wont identify me and my personal info if you know what i mean . any suggestions would be great im an aussie, i love pink and glitter :) any suggestions would be great and muchly appreciated :) thank you and yeah

How do you gently tell a cancer male there is no chance of a relationship. Ever?

Just because he has cancer doesnt mean you cant be straight with him although it does mean you cant be rude as you wouldnt too anyone. But if you dont have feelings for him and you dont want a relationship just meet up with him and tell him that and you are sorry you dont feel the same way, you cant force yourself too like him. And if you did anyway it would be cruel. Take him out and introduce him too someone. Or just stay as good friends as possible if he wants too.

Taking my dog on a cross country road trip?

My best friend and I have been saving up for a trip all over the US for a long time. We are probably going to be gone for 6-7 months. My dog is coming with us. I have a 2 year old merle aussie. He is an awesome dog. He loves going in the car, going camping and seeing new places with me. We are going to be camping in a lot of major forests. We are especially looking foward to Montana. Does anyone have any advice/ideas or tips for us? Ps we will be sleeping in our van some nights, camping, and others we are couch surfing(everyone is okay with my dog)

Scared Colleges won't accept me!?

Though your GPA is level with what Penn State etc want, that SAT score is just dragging you down. It's awfully low. I doubt that you'll be accepted to those schools you listed with an SAT score that low. After taking the SAT two times, your score isn't going to change much. Lower than a 1500 SAT but a GPA of almost a 4.0 suggests that you're a horrible test taker. Hopefully you can find schools in your area with lower standings that will accept you and maybe after a year or two there you can transfer to Penn State, Villanova etc. You don't have to go to a community college, you just can't get into those schools at this time, with those scores.

How to get my rat to put on weight?

my rat is very old with cancer, shes seen a vet who said to leave her to go naturally. she's lost a lot of weight, she eats but doesnt gain. what can i feed her to make her put weight on? shes just a skeleton at the moment

What is the best revenge to get back at a cheating lying backstabbing ex boyfriend?

Go girl, go on and do you! Lose weight, get sexy, move on and forget about his ***. Success is the best revenge!

Can you rid the corruption in a country?

Unfortunately, leadership is often just a reflection of its people. A corrupt population gets corrupt leadership.

I don't have any friends...?

I'm in a city consisting of backstabbing type of people. I always thought the age of 21 was the best time of your life...? Sigh

Abortion when should it be allowed/stopped?

Once a fetus reaches a certain age its considered alive and shouldn't be abortiond. Before that is when abortions should be conducted. Cause its not considered alive or human or whatever. Religion is a huge factor in this. Most people who are against abortions are religion nuts. I hate religion. it runs out society. Im not gonna get into a religious debate here so no im not against abortion. And I think it will be continued.

Conservative Republicans, how do you feel about the recent events and circumstances...?

do you get any of your politics from "sources" other than the low-syllable talking points from the first three minutes of any non-Fox broadcast?

Who has been fired on The Celebrity Apprentice 5/1/11?

hope D somthin i found it on another site trust me its true and by the way she needed to be fired cause she suxked

Is there hypnosis for hypochondria?

I am wondering if there is such thing as hypnosis for hypochondria. would i have to go to a hypnotist specialized in hypochondria or what? can i go to any hypnotist? please give me answers, i am 16 and i have severe hypochondria resulting in many panic attacks every day worrying about lung cancer, oral cancer, heart attacks all that **** and quite frankly i'm ******* tired of it. please tell me if it is possible to get hypnosis for this in the Phoenix, Arizona area please please please!!!

What is a good facebook status about a backstabbing friend?

my "friend" has done a lot of **** to me. what is a SAYING that i could use to say that idc what they say about me ... cause they'll never get to me

BEST drugstore shampoo/conditioner?

I've tried mane n tail.... herbal essences, but they dont seem to help my frizzy flat hair, can anyone suggest a good shampoo and conditioner for me please.. im really looking into getting soem AUSSIE products but im not sure, and i want to try tresemme, but im confused? Mane n tail, seemed to kind of dry it out and herbal essences only smelled good and i need a product that helps keep my hair silky smooth and NO FRIZZ, my hair is naturally wavy not curly but when i let it air dry it gets frizzy! And i dont like to blow dry because then itll look weird to me so i dont like that. Whats a good LEAVE IN CONDITIONER ALSO?!

My girlfriend past away I can't move on?

I'm so sorry for your loss. You must still be so heart broken. Don't push yourself into something your not ready for. If you do want to start trying to meet other people go out in groups of friends where you can meet the opposite sex with no pressure on you and you may or maynot meet someone who you like. It's really tricky knowing whether your ready to move on or not. It's one of the worst things to lose the person who you loved, and it seems she was also your childhood sweetheart and first love. It's harder to move on when a person is taken from you rather than if you both fell out. I do hope you manage to work through your pain, as I think a year is still fresh for you. Don't push yourself. Through time you will find it easier to speak to the opposite sex and I really hope somewhere down the line you meet the right person for you. You deserve to be happy again and your partner who has passed will want you to be happy again. I wish you the very best and good luck..

Ejaculation while pooping?

LoL! Is that even possible? Sorry man but never heard of it and when i just asked my boyfriend who is sitting right here he gave a funny weird face. This is new! Hope you can get a better response but i had to say something because the title alone caught my attention!

Best way to tan outdoors?

I know it's bad for my skin and skin cancer and all that but I'm not doing a spray tan.. But how do u tan the best and fastest like time of day what to put on my skin ect..

Do you think this was a bad decision to make?

no , its defently not a bad choice to not make friends with "bad" people . if they bring you down and they dont seem to care then unfortuently they arent good enough for you . hopefully one day they will learn what they are doing is wrong and fix it , but if not you cant waste your time trying to help them . (i think it is fine to try and help at first , but you cant do it forever) you do not deserve people who treat you wrong .

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Best Friend ever Now Acting weird?

Try asking her why she doesn't want to be your friend anymore. Maybe you'll get an honest answer. If not, she probably wasn't a true friend to start with.

Mom with cancer looking for live in nanny for room and board for pay?

I just found out that I have cancer and I have three kids. I can't pay; but we have free room and board. Is there anyone out there that still does this?

How do you stop a Galah biting?

My Galah Aussie will not stop biting my hands when i try and touch him, he will let me get him out of the cage and he is happy enough to sit on my hand when he is out of the cage, but he will not let me pet him. I have help his beak, told him no, put him back in the cage, and calmly ignored it. but nothing seems to be working, and i really don't want to harm our relationship by negative reactions. he seems to be happy enough when he is out of his cage and being around me ( he is out of his cage between 1-6 hours a day, depending on when i'm working)and he has a lot of chew toys in his cage, so he has things to bite and play with. , though he starts biting me the second i try and touch him or pet him,can anybody help?

What is the chance on finding a calm border collie or aussie?

Your chances are highly unlikely unless you feel like putting in a lot of training and exercise. The reason the ones at the agility class aren't as high strung is because they get a lot of exercise. Border collies and aussies are high strung dogs meant to herd and be outside for a long period of time. My roommates were lucky enough to find a relatively calm border collie but it was mixed with a lab so that probably contributed to it's calmness. He still needed to be walked and everything but not as much as a regular collie. So for you, you might want to try a mix (i.e. border collie/ lab mix) you might have a better chance of it being less high strung

Hair problems!? please help. ?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strengthen the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

Uncertain about what to do about my kids father leaving his kids?? ~Please Read~?

You have to let him be a FATHER regardless of how you feel. He made a fatal mistake and apparently he decided to retaliate as a result of the separation. Your children shouldn't be deprived of a good father. Take care of you and learn from this experience. Go find yourself a good man but don't take away a good father. If he's a good father, why take that away from your children? Set your differences aside for your babies. Don't worry about that rag and what he's doing! He's NO longer your man which means he's NO longer a problem! LOL

There is a mole on my back?

Ok so I found a mole on my upper back and I don't know what it's from. I went to Florida last week and was in the sun a lot... When I got home is when I noticed it. I have a lot of freckles everywhere, and a couple of moles here and there, but they are flat. This one sticks out. It's really small though. I can reach it if I put my hand back there, and it feels like you can just rip it right off. (Of course I won't though). What should I do? ALSO I have had this mole above my ear (covered by my hair) and its about the size of a hole punch in notebook paper. It's been there for quite some time. My mom is going to call the dermatologist to schedule an appointment. But my sister was scaring me saying I could have some sort of skin cancer. I'm a healthy 14 year old girl, so I don't think I do... but still, is it just a normal mole or what do you think?

Should I forgive him or just leave him?

Today my backstabbing socalled "friend" told my boyfriend that she likes him (she doesnt she just hates me)...well it turned out that he told her he liked her too?! Well she texted me and told me and even took a picture of the chat she had with him which was thru facebook and I saw it and I couldnt believe he said that. I am so dissapointed and heartbroken right now. I then messeged him and told him what was up with that and he told me he was just joking. Well i told him i was mad at him and never wanted to speak to him again and he got sad and people started asking what was wrong. He told them he was just playing around and he loves me. I gotta say,he is the stupid,immature funny kind of guy. He loves playing around but anyways should I forgive him? He told me he was very sorry and he didnt mean it and he doesnt want me to be hurt and promised he wouldnt do it again.,,,oh and now he hates her? -.- Should i believe him and forgive him or just break up with him?

Why do people think having parents who are "younger than usual" is embarressing?

I'm 15 and my mom is 27(she had me when she was 12) and all I ever hear is people tell me that I should be embaressed of having a mom who is 12 years older, once I even heard my moms backstabbing friends say I'd most likely get made fun of in school for having such a young mom. I just don't get exactly is that supposed to be embaressing or something to not be happy about? I for one loving telling people that my mother and I are only 12 years apart.

Will the summer heal this year's drama in highschool?

im a sophmore i highschool... next year junior. ive been through soo much drama and so much backstabbing and fights with girls and boy... and ive been through such a mess this year... and ive never been this way.. always the quite normal chill girl who did their own thing but i guess i craved attention this year and reacted to stupid stuff and created nonsense.... summer just started and we have 2 and a half months of summer break.. when i come back for junior year will ppl forget it and if i start acting chill and normal and forgive the backstabbers... will everything be cool? will summer cure the crap?

Which Aussie Collection Is The Best?

The three which I dont know which to choose from are Aussie Moist, Aussie Sydney Smooth, or Aussie Cleanse and Mend. Which one do you like the best?

I have a knot in my breast. help?

I am 15. The knot is about the size of a quarter. It hurts to breath and touch. I am really hot and throw up. It is cancer?

Help Me please, any information would be helpful !?

Not could be cancerous have to check with your parents :) and so sorry to hear that. May the Good LORD be with ur family :)

Can you get cancer from your laptop?

no you can't.. from what i remember from science class a laptop emits radio waves which is a type of radiation that is enough to send and receive data but for it to cause a cancer (a damaged cell that multiplies to cause a growth or lumt) it has to emit atleast uv-rays (like the sun), x-rays or,insanely enough, gamma rays.. so relax,u r safe :D

I really want to give up figure skating but I feel pressured by my family to stick at it?

It's time to sit your parents down and say, "Mum, Dad, I know this is what you want for me, but figure skating is not what ~I~ want anymore. I know this will disappoint you, but I can't keep living a lie. I have no enjoyment for the sport anymore."

Hair wax or hairspray? Please help!!?

Hair wax because it's less toxic. Especially since you curl your hair everyday, you'd probably need it everyday am I right?

My backstabbing ex best friend messaged me?

She's the reason why me and my two year boyfriend broke up, they betrayed me. A few months passed, now she messaged me and was like, "I am still hoping for the day that we could gain back our friendship blah blah" What should I say to her? I would like to answer in a decent manner and let her know that the day she's talking about is never gonna come because of "Obvious" reasons.

Do some white spots on the cervix means cervical cancer?

i am 30 weeks pregnant and they did a colposcopy because my pap was in the colposcopy they can only see some white spots in my cervix...related to hpv ..thet can not do a biopsy cause of my pregnancy..i have to wait 6-8 weeks after i deliver my baby to do a biopsy..but this is freaking me the white spots means i have cervical cancer?

I backstabbed a friend and feel bad about it?

Just ignore her phone calls, and hang out with other people. She may grow up one day, and no need to burn bridges. If she calls you out, just politely tell her you do not wish to have her company at this time in your life cause of the way she is.

How do i make my boyfriend feel bad?

Why make him feel bad? Why punish him because you feel crappy and he doesn't have sympathy. Break up with him. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't support you. I would also, in the process, look at how you've been behaving because I'll bet - given the question - you've been taking a lot of this out on him and why would he want to be nice to you when you're doing that?

How to be an AFL player?

i really want to be an AFL player. I play aussie rules in U 14's and i am a ruckman/forward. sometimes i am back but yeah back to the point. please tell me how to stay healthy and please please please answer this.. HOW DO I JUMP HIGHER IN RUCK? i am tall, shorter people are up in the ruck against me yet i still lose the contest. i have HUGE legs for my age but tell me how can i jump higher. also tell me what i should eat. and how can i stick to it? i do it for a week then i just eat normal again.. :( also what exersises should i do to stay the whole game? please i really want to be one. i suck at school, i try but it doesn't work out. i will get an education but i hope i get into AFL. my cousin is soon going to be in calder cannons and he plays all the same places as me. please guys help me. i am in need :( and also. i need my stamina and endurence up. when i am playing i get tired and walk on the field which makes me week. how can i prevent that? please help me guys! thank you!

I'm seeing things that can't be there?

What is it with mortals? Why can't they accept the fact that there are other things out there that stupid science can't explain?!?!?!? I say someone was trying to contact you from beyond the grave.

What are the common signs & symptoms if someone has an ovarian cancer?can this be diagnosed even on the earlie?

what are the common signs & symptoms if someone has an ovarian cancer?can this be diagnosed even on the earlier stage?

Suggestions for birthday gifts to my Cancer girlfriends?

cancer ppl love gifts that give them warmth, something that makes them heartfelt...something CUTE...some hand-made stuff would be good too coz it shows u hv the heart to make those crafts for them...i recently got a wallet gift from a close frd but it was her big bday card that melted me, the stuff she wrote on make the gift heartfelt and emotional in a good way.

Should I forgive him?

Today my backstabbing socalled "friend" told my boyfriend that she likes him (she doesnt she just hates me)...well it turned out that he told her he liked her too?! Well she texted me and told me and even took a picture of the chat she had with him which was thru facebook and I saw it and I couldnt believe he said that. I am so dissapointed and heartbroken right now. I then messeged him and told him what was up with that and he told me he was just joking. Well i told him i was mad at him and never wanted to speak to him again and he got sad and people started asking what was wrong. He told them he was just playing around and he loves me. I gotta say,he is the stupid,immature funny kind of guy. He loves playing around but anyways should I forgive him? He told me he was very sorry and he didnt mean it and he doesnt want me to be hurt and promised he wouldnt do it again.,,,oh and now he hates her? -.- Should i believe him and forgive him or just break up with him?

Possible problems in the future between my boyfriend and I due to cultural differences?

I'm an aussie, and he's from Zimbabwe. Everythings going great, except that his parents, or his stepmum anyway doesnt really seem to accept me. It's very awkward between the two of us when i go over to my boyfriends house, and if i ever come over uninvited (despite the fact my boyfriend and I have been together 5 months) my boyfriend gets in trouble for it.. I'm just wondering if anyone here has any advice etc from past experiences or stories they've heard from friends in the same situation etc.

How long would it take you to forgive someone you felt had put your child in danger because of poor judgment?

As soon as that person says sorry while actually seeming sorry.I may be a bit more careful around that person and such,but I will forgive them.Wait.I don't have kids.This doesn't apply to me...Oh well.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My close friend is backstabbing me. help?

so i met this girl through my best friend. Trust me , my first impressions of this girl was unbelievable :/ she seemed like a LOVELY kind hearted beautiful girl that always comforted me when i needed someone. I actually had so much love for this girl whom i took as my own sister.She would leave me messages telling me that im gorgeous, she loves me, she misses me, all us friends need to meet up etc... basically to sum it up, she`d do all that sweet talking?! lol ive known this girl for over two years, we`ve been close friends ever since! However, as years past, i gradually realised that she was backstabbing me, gossiping about me behind my back, creating UNBELIEVABLE Disgusting rumours about me and my boyfriend, including her own friends (which have also realised now what sort of hypocrite she is). Shes being ever so two faced, she shows me that she actually gives a ****, being that "almost perfect" friends you could ever have, then behind your back, being utterly b****y. yes i was frustrated, but i guess it left me hurt. Shes doing the same to other girls. And its clearly ironik for me. I know what her game is but she doesnt know that i know ! LOL, im not looking to take any actions just yet, but once my exams are done i shall confront her. I dont want any arguements because lifes too short right? if i were a dramaqueen id approach her in public and create a scene. Also, her actions have built up which actually make me and my friends suspicious on some issues. Shes telling her bestfriends family what she gets up to behind her back. So it makes me wonder whether its happenbing to me. It all adds up!!!!!!!! which is so shocking! guys, any help? : xxx

Question to Aussie Ladys-Birth control in OZ?

Hi, I am a german backpacker and haven't been on the pill yet (but already had an exam in Germany at at gyn) I met my boyfriend here and would like to get the pill now. He said I just have to visit any GP and get a prescription and get that all?!?! In Germany you have to visit a specialist thats why I wonder...Any ideas how much it would cost me (seeing the doctor and the pill) My insurance won't pay, because this is just for illness and emergency..

Really depressed and suicidal, need advice.?

DO NOT THINK ABOUT SUICIDE!. Everyone has something to live for;even if life seems bleak right now it will get better. I suggest praying to GOD. He will help you.In the ten commandments it says "do not take you're neighbors life or you're own life"Life will get better.

Are there a lot of hispanics in Australia?

What do Australians think of hispanics? I know there must not be a lot, so have you ever personally met one? Lol i know this sounds funny but im being honest. I'm Mexican, to be specific....and I fell for an Aussie guy :D lol He's told his family and friends about me so Idk what they're going to think and im soo so nervous!!

Backstabbing bi**hes?

Oh my god. I'm basically having a really similar situation right now. lol. to make the long story short, i'm starting high school marching band as a freshman, and this one girl who is known for being a pathological liar is gonna be in my section (she's a sophmore) and we haven't necessarily gotten along in the past so she's been making up really over the top stories about me to try to get the whole section against me before i even start marching band. :/ And it's working. They all hate me now based off the terrible lies she's telling. And everyone believes it. Ok sorry I just had to get that off my mind because i didn't know other people actually had situations like this... And no, sorry I really don't know how to solve it. :/

Australians please help me !!!!!!?

Hi,I am an Indian girl working in Australia from past 3 years.Recently I got a job in dental administration where I have to deal with many people everyday.My English is overall good but the problem is some Australian people find it really hard to understand me and some of them even complained to the dentist and other staff .I think if this goes on then i'll loose my job very soon.I try to speak slow in front of them so they can understand me better.But yesterday I was talking with an Australian man with a very strong aussie accent and I could believe that he couldn't understand me at all !!!!...not even a single word...than finally I called somebody for help.I felt really really bad.Please help me out !how can I make my accent more understandable?Thanks .

I'm having a left femur biopsy Curettage Grafting and Internal long will it take to heal?(55yo)?

I have had stage IV, or terminal cancer for about 4 years. Soft Tissue Sarcoma, or Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the left glute. (left buttock). I had a re-section, radiation and chemo for two years. Now I have left leg pain and the MRI showed a tumor thinning the this is the doctor's solution. He is an orthopedic oncologist. I don't know if this means it has metastasized or what.

Infected lymph node in groin?

I have suffered with cysts in my groin for months. I told my doctor as I had began to suffer with them behind my ears and on my face. He gave me a course of antibiotics and said if that doesn't work then there's not much else I can give u. Next to the cyst in my groin a long lump appeared and I thought the cyst had spread into a vein. I left it for about a month but then it became hard inflammed and very swollen. The doc has said I'm on a strong course of abtibiotics which I began on wed. For tge last week u have felt terrible. No energy, tired, a bit queezy and have the feeling that I'm losing my mind amd am not really here...if that makes sense! Three days in the infammation has gone down but the lymph is about an inch long and hard...will antibiotics get rid or do I need to be worried that its cancer? Any advise would be great thank u. :)

I want to punch my former friend in the face for backstabbing me and ratting me out to drama?

Okay,so I used to have this best friend,Lets call him Jimmy. I had another friend,Lets call him Andy, who was talking sh*t about me behind my back,and 4 of my friends told me. I said on Facebook that I had enough of that kid for talking about me behind my back and being a fake friend. Jimmy,asked If I was talking about Andy,I said yes. He promised he wouldn't tell Andy. Andy stopped being my friend because Jimmy told him about what I said. I also had a problem with this girl,lets call her Janet. She always was teasing me and making fun of me,on Facebook I wrote that I had enough of her and that she is a b*tch,Jimmy ratted me out. me and my friends saw him writing on her wall saying that I'm talking sh*t about her,when all I said was b*tch. I got into alot of drama. And I messaged Jimmy on Facebook,I said how much I hate him and how he is a fake friend and that he deserves to get beat up,and he said "Would you want to know if someone is talking about you behind your back?" Im like"Yeah,Andy was talking about me behind my back when I was absent for 2 weeks,and you didnt tell me anything." And then he said"I dont talk sh*t about you,people do but I just dont tell you.". I was so mad. And then he deleted me off his Facebook friends list. I want to punch Jimmy so badly in homeroom(We are in 7th grade,and we traveled around classes,and in the morning and end of the day,we stay in homeroom where our homeroom teacher takes attendance). I really want to punch Jimmy so badly for backstabbing me. But he has strong friends that might beat me up as revenge. PLZ HELP!!! Sorry for long post.

Why won't my hair scrunch?

to scrunch my hair i put in a ton of aussie instant freeze stuff in my hair and scrunch it up into a bun and leave it there until it dries. when i take it out is very scrunch but as soon as i start hair spraying it or touching it or even moving around it falls right out. what am i doing wrong?

Do flaky balls ever go away?

i had just woken up one morning and randomly i found that my skin on my scrotum was dried out and peeling...god knows why...but i would like to know what is wrong with my skin and how it was possibly caused...i did happen to shampoo my balls with aussie moist shampoo and maybe this is the side effect. well anyways please help me

I have a lump under my armpit..?

If you look at it its about the size of a quarter but if your feel it it small.... I just noticed a couple days ago but it couldve be there before tht.. I kinda sweat alot under there since it summer.. I'm 12 and its my left arm... Is it cancer!!!?? Sorry if I'm over reacting... And also I felt something around my armpit about a couple months ago its about the size of a pea and I think it was a cyst but it went away but I was kinda wondering if it has anything to do with tht.... PLEASE AND THANK U :)

Has there been a deaf guy on "The Bachelorette" or "The Bachelor"?

I'm just curious if there was. If not, should there be? I've been thinking of going on the show myself (I'm hard of hearing - somewhat deaf), but I'm not sure I would like it. There is backstabbing and manipulation, not to mention my communication barrier. I'm not exactly the hottest guy (I'm certainly no Brad Pitt or whatever other actor girls find adoring or sexy), but I do certainly find myself very attractive to girls, I believe. I don't know if that's what the show producers are looking for or not - I'm looking for love, that special someone....

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

Survey: Why are Australian men so damn sexy?

Seriously my mom is Aussie and whenever we go to visit, excluding my relatives, I have to take like 50 cold showers a day. I mean there are ugly ones but damn there are some really hot ones. The accent is like the cherry. I skipped a skiing trip in Europe with college friends just to go to Australia for that reason. Does anyone have any idea why they are so sexy, and why they keep causing my hormones to run?

Aussie three minute miracle..?

So. I watched this vid on dry hair because the tips of my hair are like.. fried.. o.O. and this girl put in aussie three minute miracle in her hair for two hours... Would that be okay..? Because. It says it's supposed to be in for three minutes... o.O. So.. I don't know. xD

Two years is too long to be heartbroken, what should I do?

So two years ago my "best friend" flirted with a guy I really love behind my back when I temporarily moved out of town even though I confided in her about how much I love him and how we wanted to work things out until I came back. Finally, during a really rough spot in our relationship, he went out with her and my now ex-best friend was really fake and acted really innocent so none of our friends believed me when I tried to talk to them about what happened. He mysteriously stopped being friends with me and it wasn't until a year ago that a friend tipped me off that the guy didn't even know that my best friend back-stabbed me and that the most probable reason he stopped talking to me is because she had been telling him (and everyone else) lies about me that makes me look like a jealous psychopath like I threatened her life and the such. Of course by then I felt it was too late to set the record straight and our relationship was ruined. I got mad at him for "randomly" talking to me so when I moved back I just told him I was over him as a way to keep my head held high. But now I'm graduating and the thought of never having him in my life anymore kills me and I wonder that if I take a chance and tell him about what happened and tell him I still love him maybe all isn't lost and we can still be friends. But on the other hand he's a guy and he might not understand the gesture and just think "hey she's a lying loony bin who can;t let this go after two years." I feel that I'm still sad over this just because I never got the closure I needed to move on because of the backstabbing and lying but I really need to so SOMETHING to move on. I just don't know what. Even when some of my friends started believing my story because my ex-best friend is now trying to steal their boyfriends, they're kinda bored of listening to me since it's been so long even though I still need help.

Does aussie three minute miracle uncurl your natural curls?

Noooo. I have super curly hair, and it doesn't affect my curls at all. It's really moisturizing though. I love it.

Should I forgive him or just leave him?

Today my backstabbing socalled "friend" told my boyfriend that she likes him (she doesnt she just hates me)...well it turned out that he told her he liked her too?! Well she texted me and told me and even took a picture of the chat she had with him which was thru facebook and I saw it and I couldnt believe he said that. I am so dissapointed and heartbroken right now. I then messeged him and told him what was up with that and he told me he was just joking. Well i told him i was mad at him and never wanted to speak to him again and he got sad and people started asking what was wrong. He told them he was just playing around and he loves me. I gotta say,he is the stupid,immature funny kind of guy. He loves playing around but anyways should I forgive him? He told me he was very sorry and he didnt mean it and he doesnt want me to be hurt and promised he wouldnt do it again.,,,oh and now he hates her? -.- Should i believe him and forgive him or just break up with him?

How to tell if my girlfriend is faking a pregnancy?

go to the store buy a test, make her take it with you right there...and break up with her anyways...even if she is pregnant with your baby (who's to say its even yours) there is no reason to stay with someone you were going to break up with anyway. It will not be a healthy relationship nor a healthy place for a baby to be in.

My 8 Month old Aussie keeps vomiting?

A pup that young with no ability to hold food down, is a problem at any rate. it could be anything from a virus that could have been contracted from eating something outside to just a little bit of an upset tummy or reaction to a certain type of dog food. dont get panicky, just keep a close eye on him tonight as best you can and DEFINITELY take him to your vet first thing tomorrow morning. no sense in trying to press food on him but try to get him to drink some water tonight...thoughts of get well soon to your puppy!

Should south aussie AFL fans book annual leave for september?

If the inference is that neither S.A. team will see top 8 action in September, then your Q is nothing but a cheap shot and it's not funny in any way to kick anyone when they are down. Per your recent Q & A we thought you'd turned the corner and lifted your game........

Choosing between boyfriend and smoking?

try the patches. its a win win. but if that doesnt work i would pick the bf because i doubt the bf would lead to serious health problems in the future. just think of talking through a machine and a hole in ur throat later on...ugh

Why would two women want to use me as a scapegoat?

I just learned that someone who I thought was my support system is not. She has been backstabbing another lady so that I would not like that lady. She is very two-faced. It seems she wants me to continue to hold a grudge and not be a friend to someone so that she can be her friend. She and another had issues and wanted me to get in the middle because I had issues with her too. My issues would have been just what they needed for me to work on their behalf.

I don't know if i should commit suicide or not... my mum nearly stabbed me with a kitchen knife :'(?

please do call childline again, they are very very helpful. if u stay on the phone long enough, they can really help you out, give you more options, possible solutions etc...

Do you guys think $50 + shiping is too much to spend on a dog harnass?

The Ruff Wear harness that I looked up appears to be one used in search and rescue as a lift harness. I'm not sure how this is going to help your dog learn not to pull. The harness itself is very sturdy and well worth the price but I don't think that it will work the way that you expect as a tool to train your pulling dog not to pull. You might want to look into a sporn or an easy walk harness. Both of these make it very uncomfortable for the dog to pull while walking.

How to keep my dog at peak condition?

I'm getting an Aussie shepherd. How can I keep it at it's peak of healthiness. Between shots, home prevention, training, socialization, exams, grooming etc etc. I'm looking to keep this as a reference and am looking for ANYTHING I need to know. Please be thorough. And for shots, I'm in Pennsylvania. Just putting it in there b/c shots can differ from state to state. Thx

Is Roo a good name for a dog?

i like the name roo i think that a cool name for a australian cttle dog ... i just got a belgium shep n called it teddy bear lol .... u cancall ur dog what you want it up to you they ur dog at the end of theday

Why is my friend such a backstabbing *****?!?

i'm 16 so this stuff isn't kindgarten stuff. i hang out with like a group of 6 people, im pretty much a carefree person but my "bestfriend" is such a boy crazy whore. she always goes after the guys i've been with and is now going after my most recent one, i don't get it shes not even pretty is she just easy? she'd do anything for guys and instantly ditch me, she ditches me to walk past his house after school to get attention from him and he asked to finger her twice but had her period both times but she said to my other friends she would and said she was doing nothing wrong. i hate her at the best of times and i try to be a good genuine person but most of times being that person means your hell of a pushover that nobody wants. i feel so depressed i hate this feeling, am i being stupid? what do i do other than beating her ***. she also doesn't know i know about this, why did my other friends not tell me early ...

Are there eyeglasses for dogs? How do they check the eyes and where would I go?

You need to get a referral, from your established vet, to see a canine ophthalmologist. They do have contact lenses for dogs. When I had my cat in the specialist's office I saw a Cocker Spaniel go out with them. Just to have my cat's corneal ulcer treated was around $2000.00, so I'm guessing that your bill will run $2500.00 to $3000.00. They do NOT have glasses for dogs. Would you really expect a dog to leave a pair of glasses on? Speak to your vet about arranging an appointment with the specialist.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Compatibility in Depth pleaseeeeeee! Taurus & moon and rising!?

[girl-] Taurus sun sagittarius moon cancer rising compatibility with [boy- ] Scorpio sun aquarius moon capricorn rising? I need to know more in detail about the attraction or anything, but a bit more specific than a yes or no answer please :) I just really can't deny a strong attraction to this (secretive) Scorpio :/

Will any college accept me?

If you can raise your SAT scores, you'll be competitive enough and have a higher chance of being accepted to the college of your choice.

Marsh Sees Himself As New Test Opener,-----?

Perhaps he could develop into the role. Despite all of Watson's success I still have lingering doubts about him opening in tests. Maybe a fresh start with Hughes/Marsh is the way to go for Australia. Not many people in England rated Vaughan/Trescothick at the start and they did alright.

Why don't i get on with Cancer/Scorpios ..especially Cancer ?

You're basing your observation on only the Cancers that you've met. I am a Cancer and I'm definately not manipulative and talk behind my friends back. I can be sensitive sometimes but to an extent, I don't let it control over my life. Please do not assume that a person with a certain sign has to behave a specific way. Not everyone is the same. I like Leos. They are very strong and intelligent :)

Testicular and or prostate cancer at 19?

OK. this is gonna be awkward any way i word it. I just hope people wont think I'm being crude or attention seeking after reading this. i am literally scared s***less right now. Here it goes... a couple of nights ago i was talking to my girlfriend. Its a long distance thing (pathetic i know) and oddly enough she is more promiscuous than i am. needless to say i didn't believe her when she told me she was a bit of a nympho. so we are talking on the phone and things get heated and i end up playing the trombone so to speak. after two rounds of this i go to sleep and three days later i still have discomfort in the hanging region. after day three i started getting scarred and researched symptoms of both cancers. that didn't help. I had three of the symptoms i saw on the list and that made my blood run cold.. i don't didn't have the bleeding symptom/symptoms. not yet at least . What should i do? I have my hole life ahead of me and i don't want to lose my fertility to chemo! Plus I have 2 seven hundred word essays to write and i can't focus with this on my mind!

How to let go of a backstabbing close friend?

Just don't respond to them anymore. if you are better without them in your life then why change it? is there a reason you want someone that you know is going to backstab you back in your life? Find some new friends and have fun. If they show up there is no need to be rude, but hold your ground and enjoy yourself.

Girl drama, kindda need help on this one?

So I've been friends with this girl for almost 3 years, and all through out junior high we were in separable. But she can be a very fake person. I used to tell her everything. This one time I was going through a very hard time and after school I went to my locker and looked over and there was this group of people watching me and my friend was in that group, but I thought nothing of it. Then I opened my locker and this very inappropriate drawing was in it and everyone including her was laughing and I ran home crying. And this other time she told someone something very personal about me and next thing I knew the whole school knew and they were teasing me for months about it. And this other time I had sex with someone and I only told her and my other really good friend, I told them to keep it a secret. Then what do I know, she told 3 people with the biggest mouths ever and still continues to tell people. She's been a backstabbing liar and has got people to hate me, but then whenever she sees me she acts all innocent. I might be switching schools, but that's such a big change. Please help me, I need advice...

Will any college accept me?

Sounds pretty cool with your application. But that SAT score is not the prettiest just saying. If you have time to re-take go for it and do well this time. Your gpa and extra cirriculars look good and you have a great chance. The sat score will bring you down though..maybe even to community college level, sorry =/ . My advice is if you retake you have a prettyyy good chance of getting into something nice. all the best, good luck :-)

Can i use the aussie 3 min hair reconstructor as a shampoo.and does it help frizz?

or i was thinking i should use the aussie frizz shampoo and then the 3 min thing as a conditoner.i have ubaaa frizzy hair.

Do some white spots on the cervix means cervical cancer?

do some withe spots on the cervix means cervical cancer..related to hpv?or how does it looks when is cervical cancer?

A good lie to tell my friend?

tell her the truth she been acting a ***** lately no one likes it so you can't go or tell her it's your BF party not yours and your not doing the inviting or tell her the he can only have a certain amount of people coming everyone already been invited .

Why do a lot of girls like Something Borrowed?

I found out about the movie and novel after watching a spoof of it using Glee characters on tumblr. I have to say after reading the reviews, saving me from watching a Godawful movie (but maybe I'll read the book), I can honestly say why would anyone root for a horrible, backstabbing, jealous "best friend" who wants your life and fiance. She makes Scarlett O'Hara seem like a saint. I didn't like Rachel and I didn't like Dex. Dex was a coward who wanted his cake and eat it too. I will never understand why people stay with someone they're cheating on. Maybe the author wasn't glorifying cheating and wanted to make the characters deplorable, but I can't enjoy a book were a ***** is made to be the good guy. I think I like Darcy because even though she was a snob and kind of an assertive person who took advantaged of people, that didn't make her a bad person. She had her moments, but that doesn't excuse Rachel's actions. Darcy did cheat, okay. But why did the guy throw it in her face to make himself look better. I'll tell you why. Because he thought he was enjoying cheating on his "faithful" fiance with her best friend and lost his "machoness" and "pride" when he found out Darcy pulled a Miranda Lambert.

Is it common for American Female accents to always constantly croak their voice when they talk?

I notice that as well!!! And it's a majority of them. Mainly once they reach the end of a sentence Lol

Why doesn't my hair hold the smell of my shampoo and conditioner?

it's been like that since i was younger. right now, i use aussie and it smells amazing, but it won't keep the smell! i have thick, silky hair; but not a lot of it. and my friend uses the same shampoo and conditioner as me, but her hair can keep the smell in for days on end! i've tried aussie, garnier fructice, suave, pantene, and none work for me! when i get out the shower, it smells like the conditioner, but when it dries, it smells like hair... and i don't want to spray my hair with anything or change my shampoo and copnditioner or anything, i just want it smelling like my shampoo! help?);

I want her OUT of my house because I found out shes backstabbing me, How do I tell her?

Sounds like she's the kind of person who will slander you for throwing her out no matter what you do. I would just explain to her how you feel and let her know that the living situation isn't working out and you need her to move. Keep it simple. You can't do anything to change who she is, make yourself happier.

How many times should i Deeep Condition?

Good schedule, but maybe don't shampoo on Friday. Just rinsing and conditioner should make it good enough, unless your hair gets greasy easily in that case shampoo away!

I need some hair tips please help?

ok so i dont want to burn my hair by straightening it.. so i just tips how to keep my hair soft , straight, and smooth. Like no hair prdoucts.. i have aussie shampoo and conditioner.. thats all. Help? :)

Do you think my moodiness could be caused by the phases of the moon?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be bat-**** crazy and unable to function.

Austrialian working visa question.?

I am from Canada and me and my friend are going to Aussie this November. I plan on applying for my visa in July, if it comes in the mail around august is it effective although I'm not in the country? We want to be gone for a year and if we leave in nov I get it in august is it effective, or dies it start to expire when you leave the country?

I shamefully set up a fake facebook account using the identity of an agency worker?

if you have deleted the account and it is no longer visible to anyone there is little else you can do unless you want to go to your employers and fess up.. as for the guilt, well that's something you will just have to live with and hope that you never do anything so silly again.

My girlfriend has never told me she loves me. I feel unloved.?

And why do you think that being born in december has anything to do with anything? Sorry, wrong section. There are people who actually think this is relevant in the astrology section.

If my parent went to australia when i was 14 and still lives their am I a australian citizen then?

Your mother does not understand Australian law. Your father had to be an Australian citizen on the day you were born for you to be an Australian citizen. If he became a citizen after this time, it make no impact on your citizenship at all. You are 23 and even if your mother died now, you would not be able to move to Australia as a citizen - you would have to apply for a migration visa (i.e. be skilled in an area of need) or marry and Australian to move here.

What can cause low white blood cell count?

I'm already stressed enough. My dad is about to have his 4th surgery in under 2 years and I'm about to file bankruptcy and I'm in a long distance relationship with my fiance. So I was getting my thyroid checked like I'm supposed to because I have Hashimoto's and my doc just calls me at work and tells me my WBC is low and he wants to test again and have me see a hematologist. That's the last thing I need to hear right now. I'm pretty sure it's not cancer but it still makes me nervous. I've been feeling fine aside from some minor congestion. What could cause it?

Are people really fake or am I exaggerating?

tell me about it. the worst place for fake friends and people is Secondary Schools. I know a person who i genuinly dislike because he's really 2 faced about everyone. Everyone knows he is two faced but still like him! Don't know how ignorant can people get! I also had a best friend who i found out to be talking behind my back. But that's not to say that everyone's a fake. There are some real friends out there, don't lose hope :-)

I like him, he likes me, but he dated my bestfriend?

I dont control who i like and i never even ever though of liking my bestfrineds ex- but i do. 4 months ago, my bestfriend was dating the guy who loves me and who i love aswell. Hes asked me out, but i had to say no because hes her ex-. He told me that their done but she said she'd be mad if we did date. Its not like i can control who i like? But my sister talked to her and asked her if she'd be mad if we dated, and she said she would be. I know its wrong and that it'd be backstabbing. But she got over him, and started dating this guy who she's been going out with for at least 4 weeks. In your HONEST opinion, would you be mad? What would you do? What should i do!?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why am i feeling like this ?

licklick licklick licklick licklick licklick licklick likcklick licklick licklick licklick licklick licklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklick… me!

Can you die from colon cancer?!? ?

My neighbor says his back has been hurting for the past year or two. He's 66. He told me that he has colon cancer and they JUST found it, after going to the doctor a couple times a month. He showed me a picture. It's about the size of a quarter. I don't want him to go. He is such a nice man so caring . He Is always willing to help out! I feel so bad cause he's a good person!!!! Is he gonna die? He is generally really healthy ... Omg I dont want him to go he is my only normal neighbor, the rest are freaks.... Omg and his dog . Can you die from colon cancer? My high school gym teacher had it and he was fine after treatment . But is it too late???

Moving to a school in another city?

I hate my new school.Its been a couple of months and I still do.The teachers are decent,but the students are so weird.I used to love going to school everyday,but the students here aren't normal and they're judgemental over anything.All they talk about is sexual related things,and popculture,and most of them bully me over nothin (I dress decently) .It's so hard to make friends with anyone and keep that relationship for longer than a month without them backstabbing you.This is before highschool (Not a year away either)!So I was wondering.Is there a legal way to move to another school legally in another town?

Is it possible I hurt my throat?

On June 8th I had trouble swallowing. Then 11 days later I had bad chest pain, that made me feel like I had a heart attack. Now I have the feeling that something is in my throat, my face gets numb. I never smoked on drank. Could I have throat cancer?

Do British know that US saved them in WW2 and played a bigger role in the Allies victory than British?

US saved you in WW2 and did more for total allied Victory in WW2 than you. First, I didn't know WW2 was only fought in Europe, pasty British youngins'! What about the entire Pacific Campaign? Yeah....pretty much mostly the US (with small Aussie help) vs Empire of Japan. The United States tried to remain neutral through out both world wars but in the end wound up supporting the allies and contributing heavily to their victories. During World War Two, Germany had conquered all of France, and most of Eastern Europe by the time that the Luftwaffe attacked the Brits and the Battle of Britain began and lasted for over a year. At this point Britain was the last standing nation in Europe against Germany. (Italy and Spain had fallen to facisim and sided with Germany). The Prime Minister of Britain, Winston Churchill was basically pleading with the American government to intervene and support Britain militarily. Way to go Britain. The US responded by instead helping the Brits industrially with weapons/supplies instead of getting directly involved until the Japanese attacked pearl harbor, at which point the US declared war on Japan and Germany at the same time. WW1, Great Britain wasn't in as near bad a position as in WW2 but the French were. With out the United States, Britain would have fallen to Nazi Germany, but with out Britain holding fortress Europe for so long I doubt the United States would have faired any better. Both were crucial in helping one another win the war. Brits love to deny and talk about Hollywood and blah blah. Wrong. Also you are worthless in Afghanistan, USA military leaders have been complaining about you not doing enough and failing in Sangin district (which America once again had to come to the rescue) so what do you all think?

Would I need surgery to determine if a mass that is in my knee is a tumor or just a calcified lesion?

I am 20 year old female with no prior injuries. A marble sized mass was recently discovered in my knee, I have noticed it before because it will sometimes move around and get trapped behind my knee cap, making it so I cannot bend my knee until I move it again. My ortho ordered an MRI to get a better look at it, he briefly explained that it was growing but he was not sure what it was. He mentioned the possibility of it being a tumor (also mentioned cancer) or a calcified lesion. Will he be able to determine what this mass is by looking at the MRI results or will I possibly have to have knee surgery to have it removed to determine what it actually is? I am just a little freaked out that he mentioned cancer, and I have a month before I am able to see him again. Any answers or anyone's own experiences would be greatly appreciated!

What is kids shoe size in Aussie if their foot is about 7 inches ?

i wanna buy shoes for my nephew but don't know what AU size should i buy only know that his feet is about 7 inches long and he is 2 and half years old..can anyone help Please.

"I have been hearing plastic water bottles that I drink daily cause cancer. What alternatives do I have?

I rent.. so.. replacing water systems is not an option. I don't at all trust tap. I have tried britta.. and thought it was a bust. Again a plastic container britta.. and the filters were expensive. Would I bet better off boiling my water on a huge pot on the stove and refrigeration Or buying huge glass mason jars?

Why is it easier to talk to a stranger.. Than your own family?..?

I think its jus cause your not close to your family well you are but u guys dont comunicate like most family do. plus u had a horrible thing happen in your family and your still suffering from that and it pushed you and ur family farther apart cause you dont talk about the one thing stopping you your mom wouldnt have wanted you guys to not talk about her and remember the good time and laugh about the funny memories my uncle jus passed away sunday and we wernt that close but it feels better to remember him as he was alive jus try talking about ur mom slowing start off with stories about her and the whole family together it may hurt but it wil help i promise

Does hair still grow if you straighten it?

I have been growing my hair long for almost a year it's almost down to my elbows when it's wet :) but it's fine and curly with waves on top I use Aussie 3 minute miracle on it for two and a half hours because it's naturally curly it gets frizzy. And I trim off any dead ends so my hair doesn't break. I eat healthy (lots of fruits and vegetables and I take vitamin E and Hair Skin and Nail vitamins by GNC also)I have heat protectant and I know it shouldn't be straightened everyday. So my question is will it still grow if I straighten it once or twice a week? Help me out please Thanks and God bless.

What do you think of this name for a boy?

I really like the name Luca, but some people have said "that's a girl's name!!" It's a very popular name for guys in my home country of Croatia, I guess Aussie people just don't get it. We will be raising my bub as an Aussie, and I don't want him to get ridiculed at school if it sounds like a girl's name. I was thinking of lengthening it to Lucas, but I have always just loved Luca. What do you think of the name? I don't know the sex of bub yet, keeping it a surprise, so may not even be a boy yet :-P

Is it better to use gel or mousse when scrunching hair?

My hair is pretty thin and kinda straight. My hair usually scrunches pretty good and I use aussie gel. The only problem is it gets really stiff and I hate that! Will mousse make it not as stiff? Or is there anything else I can do to get the scrunched look without the stiffness?

Aussies, what are your views on this?

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What will happen if I stop masturbating?

not doing it everyday is more healthier then what everyone tells you on here do it a day then skip one doing it too much in a day of course can lead too early ed and no you won't get blue balls you get those while you are really sexually aroused and can't get off as for wet dreams you may but most likely not so keep up with it once a day then skip one it way much better for you and your body master in biology

If I became a professional handler in AKC...?

If I become a professional handler in AKC (I'm still a junior right now), would it be wrong to refuse to show a dog because of the way it's made? For example, I would refuse to show an American Bred German Shepherd, but I would be okay with showing a Czech/working line GSD (obviously that would never happen, just using it as an example)? Or, refusing to show a Border Collie or Aussie that could never work simply because it has too much coat and bone? Those are examples of dogs that finish very easily in AKC, but I would really only handle dogs I believed were made good enough to withstand the job they were bred for.

What should i name my dog?

I don't have a pup yet but Im getting one! A female blue merle aussie! If you don't know what that looks like look it up. But I have two names to choose between Sage or Paisley. But if you have other suggestions feel free to leave them below!

Doggy food question. ?

What is a good diet for an Australian shepherd?? Planning on adopting one soon. It will be a puppy, very active, fixed, in a calm/not calm environment and everything. If you need I'll put more details as answers for questions you have. I'm most worried about giving the dog a nice diet to keep him happy and healthy inthe long run. Veggies and crunchy food. Maybe wet food. Anything really to meet the Aussie requirements. Thankss. Also I don't wanna have to pay an arm and a leg too much. I also don't wanna pay so little I may as well be feeding them trash, but I have 2 cats that I have to pay for too. Anyway thanks for reading.

How to get revenge on this backstabbing jerk?

So I broke up with this girl in January and we're really good friends now. We have best friend bracelets and text every day. She started going out with this guy who was my best friend. He became a real jerk and doesn't let anyone near her. He's always calling me gay or a homo, even though I'm not. Long story short, he's not my best friend now and I need some really good revenge for all of his bad actions. He's even slapped/hit me. I can't do anything too grand because school's just been let out for summer but I need something that'll put him in his place. He also swears at me quite frequently. Just to describe him, he has short brown hair, an ugly face (kind of droopy?) and he's fat. Not bellyflab fat but he is quite plump. I've already put his phone number and email into Mystery Seeker. Please help me!

Teen,I need your advise/opinions?

You just need to realize that everything that happened in the past is in the past to stay. The girls who pick on you won't be with your for your whole life, don't sit around crying and being upset over someone who treats you like ****. You'll be alright and I'm glad you finally came around to getting some help. DO NOT let anyone make you feel like you don't mean anything. How your life is not isn't how it's going to be in the future.

Could headache on forehead/ between brows mean any brain cancer?

Stupid Q I know, just wondering lol. It is more to the surface and identical to a sinus headache but there is no pain under my eyes. It is minor, but I don't' get them often and was just wondering. I am thinking it could be from lack of strong coffee I usually drink in the morning and skipped yesterday.

My older bro needs help!!?

You are right your brother does need help. i think the best way you, his family can help him is by just sitting down and talking with him. Have you ever seen the show Intervention, well you need to have one of those. Get your brother to sit down with you, his girlfriend, your mom and whoever else could help. Explain to him how concerned you guys are about him and how much you love him and want him to change. He should see that you guys love him and want the same thing you all want for him for himself.

I'm running out of options, please help?!?

prove to the guy that u werent backstabbing him and also that if he dated u then ud be doin both og u guys a favor... this girl is invisible.... go up to him and talk to him... tell him that he doesnt need to date her if he doesnt want to... he should be with whoever he wants to be with, not b/c this b**ch said something... go in there and gety ur man... talk to him and everything will be fine

Why dont i care about much anymore?

its weird, i used to be really anxious about everything, social stuff and really insecure. but lately i have just been uninterested in people at school because they seem to all be insecure and backstabbing towards anyone and everyone, i used to be so threatened by these sorts of people but im starting to pity them...when i thought they pitied me, what is this?

Atheists: would you want to live in a world where you are the only atheist among a bunch of "good" Christians?

No, I wouldn't. Its the problems that you face on a daily basis that makes life enjoyable for those rare occasions when you finally get something done right. The problems in our lives are what shape us, and make us who we are, for better or for worse. without them, we are nothing but drowns. I'd much rather live in a chaotic world then a blissful utopia.

Does the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist Deeeeep Conditioner work?

I found The Miracle Moist Deeeeep Conditioner at Walgreens for $3.99 and it has good reviews. I was wondering if somebody could tell me their experience with this product. Like, if it works, and the smell. Thanks!! :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How long canyou last with testicular cancer?

Less time than if you have it taken care of. Testicular should be quite treatable if caught early enough.

Someone help me determine if my friend was backstabbing me here?

So I have had this friend for like 4 years, were pretty close. Lately we've been growing apart from each other mainly due to the fact that I'm way more serious than he is, and that's not saying a lot. He always jokes around, I occasionally do if itll get me a laugh. He treats girls like whatever, I cherish them. Anyways I went to the movies with these two girls (one of them like all the guys hate, me too now since she turned on me). So the other girl posts on Facebook that were going to a movie. Another one of my friends on Facebook is like "oh he'll prob just be a fag and not make a move." then my best friend(the un serious one) comments "hahahah." then the other guy (first commenter) comments "he'll just sit there" and my best friend comments "yea he prolly will." do you think he's purposely being mean to me here and calling me a fag(which I'm not)? Or is he just agreeing that I'll prob not make a move? Some of my other friends say it's the latter but I don't agree, help? Sorry this was long but thanks so much if you answered(:

Do you mind if your beauty products contain harmful ingredients?

Sorry if that sounds judgmental. :P Just wondering. So much crap at the drugstore has ingredients linked to cancer, hormone imbalances. I don't know if people just don't know, don't want to know, or don't care?

Am i backstabbing my friend and betraying her trust?

okay so my close friend hates this girl and the girl hates her aswell (this girl was my friend till my close friend told her about me so i stopped being her friend) but now recently this girl and i are talking again and i feel like im doing something wrong my close friend doesnt know that were talking again (btw were not like really friends just talking alittle) I wanna know if this is backstabbing my friend and betraying her trust i told her i wouldnt talk to this person because she tried to use me etc etc but now she says she changed and wants to be "friends" but i have a hard time deciding do i just become her friend or tell her off please answer

I am 14 and think i have testicular cancer please help?

I am 14 years old and Have recently started having sharp random pains in my scrotum, also i have notised a rainin sized and shaped thing above my left testical. is this testicular cancer? I needto know

What is the best revenge to get back at a cheating lying backstabbing ex boyfriend?

Well, punish yourself for being so na�ve, study hard! harder! and become a very successful person and also rich, just be much better than him and look at him as the low dog he is. And remember to never trust anyone. Any person is very capable of backstabbing you; same thing gous for you, remember you can backstab any time.

What Does My Birth Chart Indicate?

As I have noticed, the Mars in Capricorn makes you a warrior sort of person. Like you can literally conquer anything at all, and you have great imaginative powers.

Do I need a visa traveling to Sri Lanka from Taiwan?

Hello, I am an Australian holding aussie passport. I want to travel to Sri Lanka in the next month and don't know how to get a visa. Can I get one here in Taiwan or would I have to go back to Australia/Hong Kong or some place else?

Wart like thing on my leg! Do I have skin cancer!!!?

Sounds like nothing more than a keloid scar. I am sure your dermatologist can put your mind at ease right away. Don't be reading things that are on the internet, according to them, you can die from a sore finger. Wait to see the doctor, before you listen to any of that baloney.

Backstabbing lying friends that are very hard to stay mad at... please help.. ?

Call her and read this whole thing to her (say "you" instead of "Erin" though). Tell her how you feel. If this continues, drop her as a friend. Wouldn't you rather have a smaller amount of good friends over a larger amount of backstabbing "friends"?

How do you deal with unfair people like those who talk behind your back about you?

and you know are your enemies? I find it very hard to "love and send light to" my enemies or forgive my enemies. I have heard however if you pray to God for protection from all enemies, God protects you. however, my whole life, especially in the horrible American High Schools here, I faced a lot of jealous girls around me because I was beautiful and intelligent. Hey I am not the only one, there is a song "don't hate me because I am beautiful". As a result of my experiences, I find it hard to trust other girls. All beautiful women face this same reality in life. So, how do you deal with rude, backstabbing people in life, if you have to live in the same space as them, as they never seem to dissappear no matter where you go?

Out of control brother age 20, need immediate help?

My brother has become out of control and abusive since dating his girlfriend. He throws things, screams, hits me and swings at our mother, lies, steals, and more. He overdrafts his bank account on a weekly basis by hundreds of dollars, and mom is passive and does not hold him accountable for anything. The girlfriend is a huge problem-we found a blog she kept for months about what idiots our family is, and she deleted it-but it's still a nightmare dealing with them. Now, the new thing is a 4th of July trip he wants to go on with her. My mom wants to kick him out if he goes, but I think it is going to kill her. The situation would be easier to deal with if my mom didn't have stage 4 breast cancer. The stress of my brother's actions are too much on her. The situation would also be easier if my dad was around, but he is just as dysfunctional as my brother, and my mom is currently filing for divorce. I let them move into my home a few months ago, and I wish things were easier. Any advice? We need help.

Does she have the right to search through my Facebook profile?

There is this girl that I used to like but I stopped right after I found out that she was an attention whore, user, and a fake. She never goes away and it is so annoying. My friend and I were backstabbing her through Facebook messages but she somehow found out that we were doing it and since she found out, I admitted that we did. Now she is concerned and keeps trying to get into my Facebook account but since it is mine, I do not grant her access. Do I have the right to not let her see what we put about her? She will not get away from me and I feel like I am being harrassed. Can I report her to the police? I don't want her reading our backstabbing.

Do you like these plots and which one do you like most?

The last one sounds harry potterish. The second one sounded pretty good. The first one just sounded like regular life of teenagers which could be very appealing if you introduce interesting subplots and unique characters. You could even create characters and subplots from people you know or things that have happened at school.

LGBT: Is this an unreasonable request?

Kinda I never found it cool to tell ppl who to hang ou with or not..I'll give them my opinion let em know how I feel about but I never actually tell them who they can hang out with..that's thier "friendship" not urs so u have nothing to worry about

Does this sound like borderline personality disorder? ?

Yes, it sure does sound like BPD. Although, it is never diagnosed until youre 18. Annoying, i know. I suffer fro, BPD but im only 16 myself, i got diagnosed with it not long ago. Although as im 16, i wasnt diagnosed with BPD i was diagnosed with a younger version of it, for it to be changed to BPD when i hit 18. If it effects your life so much that you can't keep on going that way, and it effects everything you do then go to see a doctor and share your concerns. You can get help with it, without waiting till your 18 and getting worse over the 2 years. You will be offered help to deal with it. But if it effects your life slightly, and you don't think its ruining it, then try someone online sites to how to cope. Either way, good luck. <3

Severely enlarged tonsils with no pain?

Me and everybody that knows me have agreed that my tonsils are probably the gnarliest, nastiest looking tonsils they've ever seen. Not pus wise. My left one is pretty in flamed and has signs of yellowish streaks on it. Weird not clumps or balls of food just like yellowish whitish streaks all over the tonsil but its not that noticeable unless i look real closely in the mirror. The left one is not the problem. Although the right is one is so huge that it is literally dipped into my throat probably halfway, well at least thats how it feels. It is one huge puffy not hard but firm tonsil but when it ends on the bottom is another pink colored firm fleshy tonsil looking growth. They are both the exact same size almost and same color texture almost as if it is made of the same tissue/tonsil. But it is one then it gets a little smaller and another tonsil-looking lump hanging from it in to my throat. It doesnt hurt at all ever, not even to swallow. But it does feel like I have something lodged in my throat and it feels irritating to swallow saliva because nothing makes the feeling go away. Eventually it goes away on its own for a little while and comes back. Then sometimes I have trouble breathing through my mouth so it seems. It hurts if I press on it from the outside under my chin on the side under my jaw like on the neck you can feel the right one since it is so inflamed. I cant really see no pus on the right one but the other day I gargled salt water with a few drops of lime juice and I coughed up to little mushy yellow balls. They looked like tonsil stones but when I saw them I immediately squooshed them with my fingers to feel the texture. They easily pulverized into a mashed potato like substance that smelled awful. These were probably tonsil stones, I dont know. But the problem remains the super huge right tonsil. That looks like a pair of testicles almost. Im 17 I used to smoke cigarettes for almost a year, stupid of me ******* myself up so young, came to my senses and stopped. Hopefully the damage hasnt been officially done and its far away from cancer of the throat. But still I want these gone. Ive been prescribed ampicillin, penicillin (oral & injection), amoxicillin, salt & lemon gargles nothing works. I even went to an ancient mexican healer that healed swollen tonsils by "breaking" some nerves in the neck and arm. (last resort) My father was healed that way and never had problems with his tonsils ever again. But it did not work on me. Some doctors recommend a tonsillectomy but honestly i dont want to get rid of my tonsils, not so much because I need them but Im the kind of person that doesnt like something being ripped out of his body unless its a life and death situation. Im thinking of homeopathy. I dont know, what other options do I have?

I ended a friend was mean, backstabbing, and 10 faced?

but I really enjoyed being around her before I found out all of that stuff. She was happy, creative, bubbly, and was a funloving person. I will forgive her, but that doesn't mean we can ever be close again. A part of me never wanst to talk to her again, but another part of me makes me miss all the good times and I wanna get her back as a friend but that's pathetic on my part..what do I do?

A little help about a girl? This is bugging me!?

Let her know how you feel, let her know you don't have a girlfriend, just let her know. Not knowing is worse.

Can anyone tell me when these exact alignments will occur again? They are from November 20, 1979 @ 8:00a.m.PDT?

Download a planetarium program and figure it out for yourself. But it looks like you're doing something related to astrology, so in that case, don't bother. It's a superstition, not a science. Just make up whatever answer you want and move on.

Are you an incessant, backstabbing, whiny ---?

Do you tend to not find anything better to do than nitpick other people's tiny flaws after you've met them etc.? And who do you usually do it to?

Aussie High School Year 11-12?

I'm currently in year 10 at a distance education high school in Australia (I'm 16) and I heard somewhere that next year (Year 11) and the year after that (Year 12) Maths isn't compulsory. I asked my math teacher and she said this was correct. I was just wondering, is everything else compulsory? Like geography and stuff? I know that english is compulsory but is that the only one? My friend said that we get to choose what we want to do? Please help!! Also, if English is the only mandatory subject, do you have to do anything else? or do you just turn up to school and do english?

I have proof that I am being sabotaged at work..what do I do!?!?

I am sorry to hear that. Some people are truly evil in this world and there is no dealing. I honestly suggest just trying to find something else immediately, i know that it is tough right now to get a job, but with your 12 years experience im sure you will get picked over other people. I would get out of that situation as quickly as i can but do it on good terms so if they have to call for a reference check that they don't talk badly about you.

DS: My breed mentor isnt all she cracked up to be?

No offense, but if you are going to be serious about competing you need to get a thicker skin. She is probably saying out loud what others are saying behind your back. It's the world of dog shows- they only thing more cut throat and bit** is beauty pageants. Get over it. People will say things like that to you all the time in the group ring and at the sidelines- they will cut you down to shake your confidence and hope you will screw up, especially if you have a dog that is competitive. So, suck it up, take a deep breath and move on. All dogs have faults- your included. LISTEN to what people say and look critically at your dog. Is it true or is it jealousy? Don't fall victim to kennel blindness. Sometimes it hurts to hear what other perceive those faults to be, but think of it as a learning opportunity. Are the judges seeing what they see or seeing what you see?

Good conditioner for THICK LONG STRAIGHT hair?

Yes I would go back to Pantene. Im growing my hair out and i started using Pantine Beautiful Lengths. It works really good. I would suggest cutting the ends every 2 months to get rid of the split-ends to keep your hair healthier.

What Do You think is the Best Curling Iron and Hairspray?

I love curling my hair, but it doesn't stay very long. I have a Conair Infinity curling iron and I think its good, but I don't know because its all I've ever used! The hairspray I use is Aussie, but I hate the way it smells. So, whats your favorite curling iron and hairspray?

What can I do to fix this broken relationship?

This building a new friendship line is possibly a load of crock. Chances are he is playing the field an just told you that to try an make it easier on you. I know its hard but stop calling him an text messaging him. This sounds like the famous it is isnt you its me line. Let him do what he wants an you have to start thinking of looking for someone else. Now i dont mean for you to do this over night but stop calling an text messaging him ASAP.

I don't know if i should commit suicide or not... my mum nearly stabbed me with a kitchen knife :'(?

I know you are scared but you need to tell a professor or a doctor what is going on. Suicide is never the answer. You can find happiness but you need someone to help you get out of the situation. Please talk to some adult that can call child protective services!

Songs about backstabbing friends?

One of my friends (not friends anymore!) has been talking so much stuff about me and is completely two faced. Im looking for songs pretty much about betrayal and stuff like that (Thank You- Simple Plan is a perfect example!) And no screamo kinda stuff please! :) Thank youuuuu:)

My 'friends' are lying backstabbing 2faced jerks. What do I do?

I've been tight with a bunch of girls for about 4 years now. There's 7 of us in the group. I started hanging out with a few other people and they had gotten really angry & jealous and wanted me to come back to them as if they own me. Ever since then things haven't been going well. They take every joke i say to them to offence & find ways to twist my words and make me look bad. The other day I was at my mates house & I knew something was up because nobody had been talking to me properly so I went through her messages (I know this wasn't right but I had to find out what happened) and 5 of them had a whole conversation on Facebook & how i had said a few things i remember not saying. (Twisting my words) & then one of the girls who appears as if she's the 'group leader' said some really offending things about me.. She always manages to turn everyone against me. So then i checked the date of these messages which was 2 days ago & i remember talking to the one of the girls on the same day i checked the messages and she was talking to me like nothing had happened. They also have a nasty codename for me which is find is really childish. I know the obvious thing to do is leave them but out of the 7, 2 of them are understand and real nice girls.. that's about it. Should i say something straight to their face or just forget it and leave them ?

Cirrhosis??.. Help please..?

I overheard my aunt talking to my mom.. I just found out my dad is sick.. I heard the word cirrhosis and stage 1..I don't understand. is that a type of liver cancer?? i've searched through google but they're not making sense.. it could just be me, my my english knowledge is being compromised due to panic attack!.. can someone explain it in simple words? is this reversible? i'm still just a kid, can I be a donor to my dad? we can still stop it right?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Have you ever had a rude service at the Aussie train station?

No. Actually I don't think I've ever received any service at all at a train station. I usually buy tickets in advance, or else on the train. The ticket machine on the train has never been rude to me. Then again, I always give it the right money.

I don't like my friends anymore.?

I have the almost the exact same problem with my friends. My friends have gotten extremely fake this year and all the talk about are themselves. I would keep doing what you are doing. if they ask again tell them you want to get into a good school and that you care about your future. you can also tell them that you are having a great time with the other people because they don't talk about you behind your back. that is what i would do. they are not worth your time and effort if they keep this up. they are not good friends. hope it all works out.

Is my roommate/friend right about this?

My friend/roommate and this guy hook up every now and then but they aren't really dating. She also hooks up with other guys as well. But however I like this guy a lot and I think he likes me so I've been with him behind her back and we have gone out a few times so it's not just sex with us like it is with her but anyway she found out about it and got mad and said I stole her guy! But he's NOT really her boyfriend though so I don't get why she's so mad. Plus she said I have to move out at the end of the month since she didn't want to live with a backstabbing s!ut! but I don't think that's fair at all. Am I right?

Is it possible to get cervical cancer even if its even if its you first time and your boyfriend also?

You don't get cervical cancer from having sex. The connection is that if the male has the HPV virus he can pass it on to the female. This virus raises the risk of the female contracting cervical cancer when she gets older, it doesn't mean she WILL get it and women who haven't been infected with the virus can still get cervical cancer. Don't waste time worrying about it just if you do want to have sex with different partners over the years then play it safe and wear a condom, have regular pap smears so that any abnormality can be picked up early and then you should be fine.

What should I do? Am I being too sensitive?

Tell her to grow up or your friendship with her is over-completely. There is no need for you both to go through all this drama on a regular basis. You are both better off steering clear of one another.

Can I still tan with sunscreen on?

Yes, I do know that tanning is really bad for your skin and can lead to cancer, but I just want to be somewhat tan, so I dont look so pale. I look like someone has been hiding me in a dark closet my whole life. I dont want to use vegetable oil because I dont want to burn. Can I still tan with sunscreen on? If I can, is spf 30 to high to tan?

Backstabbing Ex doesn't have to pay support or arrears.?

here is my problem. I was a custodial parent with 2 children. I was receiving child support. My ex wife stopped paying it. The arrears eventually added to more than $8,000. She then applied for social security disability and was approved. That was when I was asked to go back to court where the judge put my child support and the arrears on hold. about 3 weeks later i received a notice from child support services telling me the case was terminated because she had no income that they could attach. I called them and was told that there was nothing I could do and that the arrears would also disappear. I also tried to get social security benefits for the children thru her SSD but she doesn't have enough work credits. She now has one of our children. and hasn't attempted to apply for child support. She will be getting a child tax credit on her tax return until the child with her turns 18. How can i attach her tax return to get payment for what is owed to me. We are in California. someone told me to start a lean. but i'm not sure how to do that. Any legal Advice would help. THANX

What is a really bad long term effect of marijuana on the body?

Dont say killing braincells... Breathing kills braincells... I mean like will it cause cancer or anything like that???

Moving out, leaving sick grandma?

It's up to you, but I'm sure it'd be hard for me to leave my sick grandmother (if she was very ill).

Where can i find cheap nice ladies clothes for a teenage online? Australian sites, or sites that ship to aus?

So im a teenage, i hate spending all my money on clothes, cause i love them that much, and need more! So what sites could i use? Cheap dresses, skirts, tees? Please anyone? I've already tried ebay, never anything for cheap. Thanks! p.s im from australia, so aussie sites, or ones that ship there for a low price!

Are the people in my school two faced?

Sounds like most people in your school are "two faced". Ignore them at least you know you don't act this way.

I hate the kids at my school!?

So right now everyone at my school is apparently going through a faze. Like everyone is now smoking weed. That's not the case though. I hate the fact when they think Bob Marley smoked to get high but rastafarians smoked because it brings them closer to god. Am I the only kid at my school who knows why he smoked? And I also hate when people say Bob Marley died because he smoked too much. First you can't die from smoking weed and second he died due to cancer that started in his toe. He could have gotten it amputated but it was against their religion. Thanks and One Love

Friend Issues! Help!?

I am in middle school and I just am starting to make a new group of close friends. In my old group their was a lot of backstabbing but we had a lot of fun~sometimes. My new group of friends are really awesome, just how I pictured a best friends but I don't know what to do. Should I tell me other group? Let it be? Ignore them? Help!

What are the symptoms of parotid cancer?

difficulty with speaking, eating, swallowing, swelling in the face area, mass or some type of lump in the mouth and/or neck, pain in the side of the face and/or jaw.

I have close friends but no best friend?

I have had many close friends. Many of them were backstabbing and conceited, but as I've gotten older I've met different people with better personalities and I'm much closer to them. I now have about 2-3 close close friends but not best friends. I haven't really had deep conversations with them and I feel that I'm not comfortable enough to show my real self. We get along very well, but one main issue between us ( we havent argues about this just disagreed ) is our circle of friends. The tend to like other people who I find I'm just not compatable with. I am a very friendly person I just don't like everyone. They seem to know and like EVERYONE! And when these people come over I feel like a third wheel. Two of us are going to the same high school and I feel we will break apart because of her ability to bond with everyone. Am I the problem because I don't like everyone or are they just not compatable to be my best friends? Please help and thanks for reading this long question! :)