Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DS: My breed mentor isnt all she cracked up to be?

No offense, but if you are going to be serious about competing you need to get a thicker skin. She is probably saying out loud what others are saying behind your back. It's the world of dog shows- they only thing more cut throat and bit** is beauty pageants. Get over it. People will say things like that to you all the time in the group ring and at the sidelines- they will cut you down to shake your confidence and hope you will screw up, especially if you have a dog that is competitive. So, suck it up, take a deep breath and move on. All dogs have faults- your included. LISTEN to what people say and look critically at your dog. Is it true or is it jealousy? Don't fall victim to kennel blindness. Sometimes it hurts to hear what other perceive those faults to be, but think of it as a learning opportunity. Are the judges seeing what they see or seeing what you see?

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