Friday, July 15, 2011

Two years is too long to be heartbroken, what should I do?

So two years ago my "best friend" flirted with a guy I really love behind my back when I temporarily moved out of town even though I confided in her about how much I love him and how we wanted to work things out until I came back. Finally, during a really rough spot in our relationship, he went out with her and my now ex-best friend was really fake and acted really innocent so none of our friends believed me when I tried to talk to them about what happened. He mysteriously stopped being friends with me and it wasn't until a year ago that a friend tipped me off that the guy didn't even know that my best friend back-stabbed me and that the most probable reason he stopped talking to me is because she had been telling him (and everyone else) lies about me that makes me look like a jealous psychopath like I threatened her life and the such. Of course by then I felt it was too late to set the record straight and our relationship was ruined. I got mad at him for "randomly" talking to me so when I moved back I just told him I was over him as a way to keep my head held high. But now I'm graduating and the thought of never having him in my life anymore kills me and I wonder that if I take a chance and tell him about what happened and tell him I still love him maybe all isn't lost and we can still be friends. But on the other hand he's a guy and he might not understand the gesture and just think "hey she's a lying loony bin who can;t let this go after two years." I feel that I'm still sad over this just because I never got the closure I needed to move on because of the backstabbing and lying but I really need to so SOMETHING to move on. I just don't know what. Even when some of my friends started believing my story because my ex-best friend is now trying to steal their boyfriends, they're kinda bored of listening to me since it's been so long even though I still need help.

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