Monday, July 18, 2011

This is a work related question...Whats your opinion?

Here's the situation, I'm a custodian at a high school and I've have been at my job 6 years now. I'm in my 30's and I'm the youngest of our current custodial staff. Most of my coworkers are pushing retirement age (it seems like my boss only hires people in their 50's or 60's) therefore in my 6 years of employment quite a few have come and gone so I'm pretty high on the seniority ladder now. I'm not a supervisor so even tho I've been there plenty longer than several of the other guys and know a lot more about the job than they do, I treat them with respect and and don't boss them around. Nobody likes those bossy people in the workplace who aren't any sort of supervisor. That being said, we just had the great fortune to finally get rid of one of our coworkers who was the very epitome of most everything I hate and can't stand in the workplace. She was a know it all, *** kisser, bossy... The list goes on and on of the things I couldn't stand from this woman and I'm not the only one who couldn't stand her. All of my fellow coworkers agree that we're glad she's gone. Of course my boss seemed to be the only one that liked her considering they called, texted and Facebooked each other all the time. If you can imagine, this resulted in plenty of showing favoritism, backstabbing and all that fun bull crap that goes on in the workplace. Now I'm not sure if they actually had feelings for each other or if she was just keeping him informed of every little thing the rest of us were doing, but I don't care. I'm just glad she's gone. So keeping all this in mind, my boss is currently in the process of hiring someone to replace her. Unfortunately I have a strong suspicion that its another woman but this time I believe its someone he likes and may possibly be dating already. Because several moths ago when I went to a nearby convenience store while I was there my boss came in (this was on our day off) and it seemed like he went there for the sole purpose of flirting with the young woman that worked there. Ever since then when she realized that he was my boss now she talks to me whenever I go in there as if she thinks there's some sort of comradely between us... Now last week he was doing interviews for the position and she was among them. Its more than a coincidence. He obviously told her about the opening and he has the authority to hire whomever he wants to. I have a bad feeling that if he hires her the nightmare will start all over again with the favoritism and all that bull. I wont like the situation but I need my job so quitting isn't an option. I'll have to find a way to cope with it. If you had a similar situation, what did you do or what would you do?

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