Monday, July 11, 2011

I have close friends but no best friend?

I have had many close friends. Many of them were backstabbing and conceited, but as I've gotten older I've met different people with better personalities and I'm much closer to them. I now have about 2-3 close close friends but not best friends. I haven't really had deep conversations with them and I feel that I'm not comfortable enough to show my real self. We get along very well, but one main issue between us ( we havent argues about this just disagreed ) is our circle of friends. The tend to like other people who I find I'm just not compatable with. I am a very friendly person I just don't like everyone. They seem to know and like EVERYONE! And when these people come over I feel like a third wheel. Two of us are going to the same high school and I feel we will break apart because of her ability to bond with everyone. Am I the problem because I don't like everyone or are they just not compatable to be my best friends? Please help and thanks for reading this long question! :)

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