Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Severely enlarged tonsils with no pain?

Me and everybody that knows me have agreed that my tonsils are probably the gnarliest, nastiest looking tonsils they've ever seen. Not pus wise. My left one is pretty in flamed and has signs of yellowish streaks on it. Weird not clumps or balls of food just like yellowish whitish streaks all over the tonsil but its not that noticeable unless i look real closely in the mirror. The left one is not the problem. Although the right is one is so huge that it is literally dipped into my throat probably halfway, well at least thats how it feels. It is one huge puffy not hard but firm tonsil but when it ends on the bottom is another pink colored firm fleshy tonsil looking growth. They are both the exact same size almost and same color texture almost as if it is made of the same tissue/tonsil. But it is one then it gets a little smaller and another tonsil-looking lump hanging from it in to my throat. It doesnt hurt at all ever, not even to swallow. But it does feel like I have something lodged in my throat and it feels irritating to swallow saliva because nothing makes the feeling go away. Eventually it goes away on its own for a little while and comes back. Then sometimes I have trouble breathing through my mouth so it seems. It hurts if I press on it from the outside under my chin on the side under my jaw like on the neck you can feel the right one since it is so inflamed. I cant really see no pus on the right one but the other day I gargled salt water with a few drops of lime juice and I coughed up to little mushy yellow balls. They looked like tonsil stones but when I saw them I immediately squooshed them with my fingers to feel the texture. They easily pulverized into a mashed potato like substance that smelled awful. These were probably tonsil stones, I dont know. But the problem remains the super huge right tonsil. That looks like a pair of testicles almost. Im 17 I used to smoke cigarettes for almost a year, stupid of me ******* myself up so young, came to my senses and stopped. Hopefully the damage hasnt been officially done and its far away from cancer of the throat. But still I want these gone. Ive been prescribed ampicillin, penicillin (oral & injection), amoxicillin, salt & lemon gargles nothing works. I even went to an ancient mexican healer that healed swollen tonsils by "breaking" some nerves in the neck and arm. (last resort) My father was healed that way and never had problems with his tonsils ever again. But it did not work on me. Some doctors recommend a tonsillectomy but honestly i dont want to get rid of my tonsils, not so much because I need them but Im the kind of person that doesnt like something being ripped out of his body unless its a life and death situation. Im thinking of homeopathy. I dont know, what other options do I have?

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