Thursday, July 14, 2011

Testicular and or prostate cancer at 19?

OK. this is gonna be awkward any way i word it. I just hope people wont think I'm being crude or attention seeking after reading this. i am literally scared s***less right now. Here it goes... a couple of nights ago i was talking to my girlfriend. Its a long distance thing (pathetic i know) and oddly enough she is more promiscuous than i am. needless to say i didn't believe her when she told me she was a bit of a nympho. so we are talking on the phone and things get heated and i end up playing the trombone so to speak. after two rounds of this i go to sleep and three days later i still have discomfort in the hanging region. after day three i started getting scarred and researched symptoms of both cancers. that didn't help. I had three of the symptoms i saw on the list and that made my blood run cold.. i don't didn't have the bleeding symptom/symptoms. not yet at least . What should i do? I have my hole life ahead of me and i don't want to lose my fertility to chemo! Plus I have 2 seven hundred word essays to write and i can't focus with this on my mind!

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